Arts Angels

About Arts Angels

Arts Angels is a non-profit parent and community organization supporting the arts in Nyack Public Schools. Arts Angels is the liaison between ArtWorks, DramaWorks, and MusicWorks.

Our Mission

Our mission includes raising funds for students in the arts.  Arts Angels aims to promote arts education and programming for students in Nyack Public Schools. Our fund-raising activities provide financial support to ensure the vitality of arts education and programming in Nyack schools, expanding and enriching student experiences. As a tax-exempt organization, Arts Angels:

  • accepts donations and engages in fund-raising activities on behalf of ArtWorks, DramaWorks and MusicWorks.
  • allocates money that would not otherwise be available to these groups through special events, membership dues, grants and individual contributions.
  • offsets costs for school clubs and programs including equipment, travel to competitions and events, workshops, artist-in-residency programs, and after-school activities.

Arts Angels strives to engage a larger audience to support the talent of our Nyack students and share in the benefits of a community that values and promotes the arts.

Arts Angels is also administers a program called “YOU GIVE WE GIVE”….This is a primary funding task without which all of the “Works” groups would NOT be able to function!

Please read more here!

We would not be able to support the school arts and music programs without community involvement.

Please join us to continue helping the Nyack Schools programs to thrive! Follow the link to make a donation and THANK YOU!